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Next Steps Guiding Principles

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Next Steps Guiding Principles Empty Next Steps Guiding Principles

Post by RichardF Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:50 am

Next Steps encourages collaboration among purpose-driven social networks. The following Guiding Principles outline how Next Steps aspires to be an online community of all leaders, that we build ourselves, for purposes important to us.

This principle in a nutshell: Autonomy is our desire to be self-directed, whether as individuals or members of groups and larger communities.

In the context of Next Steps, this means we strive to be an online community of all leaders. One way we will move toward this aim will be to have a relatively flat membership structure – members, moderators and administrators. After learning a secret hand shake or two, most members likely will become moderators. The basic role of the moderators is to ensure the guiding principles of this community are upheld. Administrators try to keep all the bells and whistles working as advertised, or at least try to find someone who can.

This principle in a nutshell: Mastery is the urge to get better at things.

Two things we strive to get better at here are becoming a community of all leaders and building an online community. Any other things we strive to get better at are up to us.

This principle in a nutshell: Purpose is the drive to pursue what is important to us individually and collectively.

All of us value certain things that are important to us. What emerges here as important to members of the community will become the foundation for what motivates us to continue.

Assume good faith
This principle in a nutshell: Even when there may be strong evidence to the contrary, assume that people who participate in discussions are trying to contribute to them, not hurt anyone or anything related to them. If criticism is needed, discuss participants' actions, but remember that it is never necessary or productive to accuse others of harmful motives.

If you are concerned that bad faith is motivating a participant's actions, report the post you are concerned about by using the "Report post to moderator or admin" Next Steps Guiding Principles Icon_post_report icon for each post, or by using the "Report an abuse" link at the bottom of any page, and trust that any warranted action will be taken.

Be civil
This principle in a nutshell: Participate in a respectful and civil way. Do not ignore the positions and conclusions of others. Try to discourage others from being uncivil, and avoid upsetting other participants whenever possible.

No personal attacks
This principle in a nutshell: Comment on content, not on the contributor.

Dispute resolution is respectful
This principle in a nutshell: Dispute resolution processes will treat all parties with dignity and respect.

Help the forum grow in useful ways
This principle in a nutshell: When relevant, add to an ongoing discussion rather than start a new topic. Add new topics to a forum where it makes most sense. If the topic could use a new forum, add it to What's Next?

Last edited by RichardF on Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:52 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : New home for new topics needing a new forum)

Posts : 99
Join date : 2011-03-28
Location : No matter where you go, there you are!

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